Miss Natasha EnquistElectro-Accordion Chanteuse

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Thursday, July 15, 2010

News and remembering...

Yep, madmenyourself.com has me on their website ;-)

These days I am prepping more personal repertoire for solo performances, including a private performance during a wedding reception at a gorgeous outdoor location. I am looking forward to this very much.


My gypsy band and I had a FANTASTIC time at Victoria's 11th Annual Ska Festival on the afternoon of July 10th, down at Ship Point in Victoria BC.

Thank you to the Victoria Ska Society for having us, the sound and stage management, and the crowd!! It was a great party!


Some sad news...

I wanted to pay my respect to a friend who was renowned in the arts here on the westcoast, Glenna Evans.

I had known Glenna since I was in Grade 6, where we met, during our first year of the scary world of middle school.

We went to school together, until she left sometime during highschool, but luckily I got the chance to reconnect with her by seeing her around within the arts scene and through Facebook.

I learned she was heavily involved as a visual artist, photographer, tattoo artist, performance artist -doing stilt walking, fire breathing, drumming, cycling, and skateboarding.

It was great to see what she was up to, through her websites and social media sites, and I was happy to know we both within the same scene, having a mutual love of the arts and performance. I loved seeing her passion and devotion to what she was doing with her life.

I am still in shock, and my thoughts are with her family and loved ones. Rest in peace Glenna.

xoxo Natasha

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