Miss Natasha EnquistElectro-Accordion Chanteuse

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Saturday, July 3, 2010

Head spinning, dizzy-ing, fun fun fun, busy times!

Photo by Darren Stone, timescolonist.com

In the past week I got to perform for a daycare with The Great Giffoni, where the kiddies were about 2.5 to 4 years old. They were a fantastic and superb little audience. When I say superb, I mean one of the giggliest and loudest with enthusiasm. I had fun :)


July 1, 2010 - Canada Day

Lots of fun to be had with my gypsy band and I this past July 1st!!

We did the Sidney Canada Day Parade on a treacherous flatbed truck, what's a holiday without a little bit of trauma? Not my idea for the record!!

Then...we marched around the "Flavour of Canada Food Village" down at Ship Point in Victoria BC's Inner Harbour.

Photo by Derek Ford

What was next for myself and the band? The MAIN STAGE for the Victoria Canada Day Celebrations!

Photo by my Momma♥

Photo by my Momma♥

Performing in front of the whole city was nothing shy of AMAZING and EXHILARATING! ...Not to mention stripping in front of the 50,000 people....

A big THANK YOU to my talented and hardworking band mates!

THANK YOU to TNT Productions and The City of Victoria for having myself and the band perform at the "Victoria Celebrates Canada Day" events.


Next up for me....

My gypsy band and I will be making some noise at the Victoria Pride Parade!

Start: 12pm @ City Hall (Pandora Ave)
Ends: 1:30pm @ Macdonald Park (James Bay)

After the parade, the Victoria Pride Festival goes until 5pm at Macdonald Park. See you there!

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