Miss Natasha EnquistElectro-Accordion Chanteuse

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Monday, August 9, 2010

The latest in the life of an Accordionista....

I had another great encounter with performing with The Great Giffoni at a little girl's birthday party this past Friday afternoon. There were lots of giggles, smiles, and some good enthusiastic screaming as well.

I played at a wedding reception, for an absolutely lovely couple that got married at the Starling Lane Winery, this past weekend. A shame about the downpour of rain, but it made for a much more intimate gathering within the wine tasting building, and coming from a background of working within bridal gown business I knew many wedding myths and superstitions, and RAIN is believed to bring the couple good luck.

We tend to want to flock to the smallest area when at a party, so having the rain force everyone to stay tucked away was perfect. It seemed fitting for me to sit amongst the shelves of wine bottles while I played a bunch of french musette tunes. I snuck Pink Floyd's "Brain Damage" in there, but no one seemed to mind ;-)

Yesterday was my gypsy band and I's latest full band photo shoot. Some great successful shots of the band, and video too! Stay tuned!

Tonight: I meet with The McGillicuddys Accordion player, Jill Clayton, to borrow her Accordion mics for the show happening tomorrow night Hermann's Jazz Club. My gypsy band and I are opening for the Tom Fun Orchestra. Come on out!!

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