Miss Natasha EnquistElectro-Accordion Chanteuse

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Saturday, August 22, 2009

Recapping my last 2 gigs

I've waited a week to recap the past two gigs! Sheesh! Forgetful? Nah, it has been a very busy summer for me, which I am happy to report!

The Camas Bookstore Fundraiser was a great success for the bookstore! I had a fantastic set, taking over Logan's Pub, partying with the wild animals aka the audience!

Fast forward to the polar opposite gig at the Victoria Dragon Boat Festival. Family time, little kids, all happening at 11am.

Both gigs were fantastic, it feels great to be able to play any kind of venue, applicable to many different audiences :)

I purchased an old Hohner from my friend Alan. Everyone needs a beater instrument in their collection, well this is mine, and I'm grateful for it:

Last night some of the band boarded my friend's sailboat. He boated us around the inner harbour as we played some of our songs, along with several bruiting Phillips Brewery boys aboard.

Next up: Beerfest and Rifflandia!


As for me!!!! I am playing a 7-year-olds birthday party tomorrow afternoon with, who else? The Great Giffoni!! I always look forward and love doing those gigs. Who doesn't love a magic show on a Saturday afternoon?

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